Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

Google's Subscription Push: A User's Perspective

In recent years, Google has been gradually transitioning many of its services to a subscription-based model. This shift, aimed at increasing revenue, has sparked mixed reactions among its vast user base. As consumers, we feel the heat of these changes, particularly when it comes to services we've relied on for years. Personally, I found myself moving away from Google Photos, my go-to cloud photo storage, to Microsoft's OneDrive. Why? Simply put, the value offered by Google Photos paled in comparison to what Microsoft 365 brought to the table. Let's dive into why this shift is happening and what it means for users like us.

Google’s Subscription Strategy
Google has been gradually moving towards a subscription-based model for many of its services, aiming to secure a steady revenue stream. This strategy, while beneficial for the company, has not always been well-received by users.
  • Increasing Reliance on Subscription Models: Over the past few years, Google has introduced or enhanced subscription options for services like Google Drive, YouTube, and Google Photos. This approach aims to monetize the vast user base that Google has built over the years.
  • Impact on Various Google Services: Services that were once free or had limited free versions now often require subscriptions for full access. This includes additional storage on Google Drive, ad-free viewing on YouTube, and premium editing features on Google Photos.
  • User Reactions to These Changes: Many users feel pressured by these changes, finding the cost-to-benefit ratio unfavorable. The push towards paid services has led to a sense of frustration and dissatisfaction among long-time Google users.
  • Analysis of Google’s Business Strategy: While this strategy may boost Google’s revenue, it risks alienating a significant portion of its user base. By focusing heavily on monetization, Google might be overlooking the value of user satisfaction and loyalty.
Google's Subscription Push: A User's Perspective
Comparing Google Photos and OneDrive
When comparing Google Photos to OneDrive, it becomes clear why many users are making the switch. Microsoft’s offering not only provides better value but also includes additional benefits that Google Photos lacks.
  • Storage Plans and Pricing: Google Photos offers storage plans starting at $1.99 per month for 100 GB. In contrast, OneDrive offers 1 TB of storage as part of the Microsoft 365 subscription, which costs $69.99 per year. This plan also includes access to premium Office applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Additional Features and Value: OneDrive’s integration with Microsoft 365 means users get far more than just storage. The suite of Office applications adds tremendous value, making it a better deal for families and professionals alike. Google Photos, on the other hand, primarily offers storage with a few editing tools that many users find gimmicky.
  • User Experience and Interface: OneDrive’s interface is clean and intuitive, with seamless integration across Windows devices and Office applications. Google Photos, while user-friendly, doesn’t offer the same level of integration with productivity tools, limiting its overall utility.
  • Overall Satisfaction and Usability: Users like myself find OneDrive to be a more comprehensive solution. The ability to store a large amount of data, along with the added benefits of Microsoft 365, makes it a clear winner in terms of value and usability.
Why Users like me are Switching to OneDrive
The decision to switch from Google Photos to OneDrive wasn't just about cost—it was about the value and comprehensive benefits offered by Microsoft 365.
  • Advantages of Microsoft 365: Microsoft 365 isn't just a storage solution; it's an entire suite of productivity tools. For the same price as Google Photos' premium plan, users get access to Office apps, advanced security features, and collaborative tools, making it an excellent value for families and professionals alike.
  • Comprehensive Benefits of OneDrive: OneDrive offers seamless integration with Windows and Office apps, making file management and collaboration effortless. The 1 TB of storage per user ensures ample space for photos, videos, documents, and more. Moreover, the robust security measures give users peace of mind knowing their data is protected.
  • Limitations of Google Photos: In contrast, Google Photos, while great for organizing and editing photos, falls short in terms of overall value. The storage plans are limited, and the additional features often feel like gimmicks rather than essential tools. For users seeking more than just photo storage, Google Photos fails to meet expectations.
  • Real-Life User Experiences: Many users, like myself, have shared their positive experiences after switching to OneDrive. Testimonials highlight the ease of use, the value of bundled Office apps, and the satisfaction of having a more versatile and comprehensive service. These real-life accounts further illustrate why OneDrive is becoming a preferred choice over Google Photos.
Google’s shift towards a subscription-based model has had significant implications for its users. While this strategy may boost revenue, it also risks alienating a portion of its user base who feel the cost-to-benefit ratio is unfavorable. Personally, I found more value in Microsoft’s OneDrive, which offers a comprehensive package that includes substantial storage and premium Office applications.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Living with iPhone 11: Battery Drop Below 80% After 3 Years

Imagine this: You've been a faithful owner of the iPhone 11 for three years, meticulously following all the tips and tricks to maintain your device's battery life. However, despite your best efforts, you notice a significant drop in battery health, causing some concern and raising questions about the longevity of your beloved gadget. In this blog post, we delve into the perplexing world of iPhone 11 post 80% degraded battery, exploring what it means for your device's performance.

Battery Shock: Maintaining Optimal Charging Practices
  • Unmasking the Drop: From 100% to 75% - After three years of faithful service, I found myself a disconcerting reality— battery health has plummeted below 80%. Despite my adherence to optimal charging practices, the noticeable change in the iPhone's behavior is impossible to ignore. 
  • Optimal Charging Practices: Myth or Reality? One of the first lessons we're taught in the smartphone realm is the importance of optimal charging practices. I religiously avoided overcharging, never let my battery drop to zero, and abstained from using third-party chargers. Yet, despite my devotion to these practices, my iPhone 11's battery health decided to take an unexpected nosedive.
Living with iPhone 11: Battery Drop Below 80% After 3 Years
Living with 75%: The Usability Quotient
While the numbers may seem alarming, living with a 75% battery health iPhone isn't as dire as it sounds. My iPhone continues to soldier on, displaying a predictable battery life that, albeit reduced, remains within the realms of usability. 
  • Slight Warmth and Diminished Stamina - As my iPhone 11 crossed the 80% battery health threshold, I noticed a palpable increase in its temperature. It was as if my trusty companion was running a fever. Alongside the heat, the battery life took a hit, shrinking by a notable 25%. The device remained usable, but the change was unmistakable. If my iPhone originally lasted a solid 6 hours on a full charge, it now struggled to make it through 4.5 hours.
  • Predicting the End: When to Upgrade? For me, the decision to upgrade my iPhone hinges on more than just a percentage on the battery health indicator. I wait for the day when the battery life becomes unpredictable, applications fail to respond promptly, and the phone starts to falter in day-to-day activities. It's not just about a number; it's about the user experience.
Conclusion: Navigating the iPhone 11 Battery Landscape
As I navigate the jumble of iPhone battery health, one thing becomes clear—it's a journey full of twists and turns. Despite my best efforts, the enigma of battery degradation persists. So, the next time your iPhone's battery health drops below 80%, remember, it's not just a statistic. It's a story of resilience, adaptation, and the evolving relationship between you and your trusty companion.In the end, the decision to upgrade is not solely dictated by a diminishing battery health number but by the overall performance of the device and user experience. Until then, I will continue my quest for the perfect balance between optimal charging practices and the unpredictable dance of battery life.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Type-C Compatible Drives: Embracing the Future of Connectivity

In recent years, technology has witnessed a remarkable revolution with the widespread adoption of Type-C ports across all computing categories. From laptops and desktops to mobile devices, Type-C has become the go-to interface for connecting peripherals and accessories. With this rapid shift towards Type-C, shoppers are faced with a critical decision - whether to invest in legacy USB drives or embrace the benefits of Type-C compatible drives. In this blog post, we explore the reasons why opting for Type-C compatible drives is the best choice, considering fast transfer speeds, universal support, and future-proof storage requirements.

Surge in Type-C Adoption
  • From Laptops to Smartphones: The Ubiquity of Type-C - Type-C ports are no longer exclusive to premium devices; they have permeated every aspect of the tech market. Whether you own a high-end laptop, a mid-range smartphone, or even a budget-friendly tablet, chances are it features a Type-C port. This widespread adoption has paved the way for a new era of seamless connectivity.
  • Convenience of Reversible Design - One of the most appealing aspects of Type-C is its reversible design. Unlike traditional USB connectors, which require trial and error for correct insertion, Type-C plugs can be inserted in either orientation. This feature has not only reduced the frustration of plugging in devices but has also enhanced user experience significantly.

Advantages of Type-C Compatible Drives

  • Lightning-Fast Transfer Speeds: Type-C compatible drives offer lightning-fast data transfer speeds, making them ideal for handling large files and media content. With USB 3.1 or 3.2 Gen 2 support, these drives can achieve data transfer rates of up to 10 Gbps or even higher, ensuring quick and efficient data management.  
  • Universal Compatibility: Gone are the days of carrying multiple cables and adapters for different devices. Type-C compatible drives offer universal support across various platforms, including laptops, tablets, smartphones, and more. This versatility eliminates the need for specific connectors, streamlining the user experience.
  • Future-Proof Storage: Investing in Type-C compatible drives is a forward-thinking decision. As technology continues to evolve, Type-C ports are expected to become even more prevalent, rendering legacy USB connections obsolete. By opting for Type-C compatible drives, users can future-proof their storage solutions, ensuring long-term usability and compatibility.

Making the Switch: Type-C for the Win

  • Dilemma of Legacy USB Drives: While some users may consider purchasing legacy USB drives due to existing devices, it is essential to assess the long-term advantages of Type-C compatibility. Investing in legacy USB drives may offer short-term convenience, but it could lead to compatibility issues and reduced data transfer speeds in the future.
  • Embracing the Benefits of Type-C: Type-C compatible drives offer a host of benefits that outweigh the convenience of legacy USB drives. From faster transfer speeds to universal support and future-proof storage, Type-C drives ensure seamless connectivity and optimal performance across devices.
  • Transitioning to a Type-C World: As technology evolves, the transition to a Type-C world is inevitable. Embracing Type-C compatible drives aligns with the industry's direction and prepares users for the advancements in data management and connectivity.

In conclusion, the rise of Type-C ports has transformed the tech landscape, presenting users with a more efficient and versatile connectivity solution. The adoption of Type-C compatible drives brings forth a myriad of advantages, including lightning-fast transfer speeds, universal support, and future-proof storage capabilities. By making the switch to Type-C, users can embrace the seamless connectivity of the future and enjoy enhanced data management across all computing categories.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Strategic Shift in Apple's iPhone Release Cycle

Strategic Shift in Apple's iPhone Release Cycle
Apple, known for its innovative products and cutting-edge technology, has always launched iPhone during the September launch event. However, as each year passes, the opportunity to introduce groundbreaking advancements in every new iPhone iteration is becoming more challenging. To address this, Apple soon might contemplate a strategic shift in its release cycle approach similar Mac models, with the possibility of extending the time between iPhone launches from 12 months to 18 or 24 months. This move aims to maximize product shelf life, increase sales revenue, and meet and exceed customer expectations.

The Limitations of Annual Release Cycles
  • Diminishing Technological Advancements: As technology progresses at an exponential rate, the challenge of introducing significant advancements with each annual iPhone release becomes increasingly daunting and launching products or software without bugs has become even more complex. The pressure to push boundaries and deliver new features becomes more difficult to sustain year after year. By extending the release cycle, Apple can allocate more time for research, development, and innovation, resulting in more substantial and impactful improvements in their flagship product.
  • Increased Production Cost: Launching a new iPhone model every year comes with its fair share of production costs. From sourcing raw materials to manufacturing and assembly, the expenses add up significantly. By elongating the release cycle, Apple can reduce operational costs, optimize its supply chain, and streamline production processes. This can ultimately lead to cost savings and increased profitability.
  • Short Shelf Life: With annual releases, the shelf life of each iPhone model is relatively short-lived. Customers who invest in the latest iPhone may find themselves tempted by the next iteration released just a few months later. Also, the new buyers are more interested in buying the older version of iPhones with discounted prices and offers. By extending the release cycle, Apple can offer a more prolonged period of exclusivity to customers who have recently purchased an iPhone, enhancing their overall satisfaction and loyalty to the brand.

Apples intention of Extended-Release Cycles

  • Extended Shelf Life: Extending the release cycle inherently extends the shelf life of each iPhone model. This provides customers with a more prolonged period to enjoy the pride of using latest version without feeling the peer pressure to upgrade to the latest version. Additionally, it allows Apple to continue supporting and releasing software updates for an extended duration, enhancing the user experience and ensuring compatibility with new technologies and services.
  • Marketing and Hype Generation: Longer release cycles can generate increased anticipation and excitement among consumers. With more time between each launch, Apple can strategically build hype and engage in targeted marketing campaigns. This approach creates a sense of exclusivity and rarity, driving demand and ultimately increasing sales upon each new iPhone release.

Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations:

  • Comprehensive User Feedback Analysis: By extending the release cycle, Apple can gather more user feedback from each iPhone iteration. This invaluable information can be used to identify areas for improvement and tailor future product developments to better meet customer expectations. Taking the time to listen and adapt to customer needs is a key factor in building long-lasting brand loyalty.
  • Addressing Technological Pain Points: A longer release cycle allows Apple to focus on addressing technological pain points identified by users and critics. By dedicating more time to research and development, Apple can implement solutions and enhancements that directly address customer concerns. This iterative approach ensures that each new iPhone iteration brings meaningful improvements and resonates with users on a deeper level.  
  • Continuous Innovation and Differentiation: With extended-release cycles, Apple has the opportunity to explore new horizons and disrupt the market with groundbreaking innovations. By investing more time in research, development, and design, Apple can create differentiating factors that set their products apart from competitors. This strategic approach fosters a culture of continuous innovation, ensuring that each new iPhone release is met with enthusiasm and anticipation.

Final thoughts: 

 In the rapidly evolving landscape of smartphone technology, Apple might soon start exploring the possibility of extending the release cycle for future iPhone models. By adopting a longer time-frame between each iteration, Apple can overcome the limitations of annual releases, increase product shelf life, and better meet customer expectations.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

A Revelation with 14-inch MacBook Pro: After 2012 MacBook Pro

A Revelation with 14-inch MacBook Pro

Stepping into the world of the 14-inch MacBook Pro after my faithful journey with the 2012 MacBook Pro was nothing short of a revelation. The quality, the smoothness of the promotion 120Hz display, and the power of the M1 Pro processor left me in awe. In this article, I will share my experience of transitioning to the 14-inch MacBook Pro and explore the remarkable features that made it a game-changer for me. 

  • Transitioning from the 2012 MacBook Pro: After almost a decade of service from my 2012 MacBook Pro, it was time for an upgrade. As I bid farewell to my old companion, I couldn't help but wonder how the new MacBook Pro would shape my computing experience. Little did I know that the transition would be nothing short of transformative.
  • Revelation of 14-inch MacBook Pro: From the moment I powered on the 14-inch MacBook Pro, I was captivated by its sheer brilliance. The stunning Retina display and the vibrant colors it reproduced were a visual feast for the eyes. It was as if I was witnessing my digital world in a whole new light, with every detail brought to life with utmost clarity.
  • Quality that Leaves an Impression: One of the first things that struck me about the 14-inch MacBook Pro was its exceptional build quality. Every aspect of the device exuded a sense of precision and craftsmanship. The sleek aluminum body, the perfectly aligned components, and the robust construction all spoke volumes about the attention to detail that went into its design.
  • Promotion 120Hz Display Smoothness: The promotion 120Hz display of the 14-inch MacBook Pro took my breath away. The seamless scrolling, buttery-smooth animations, and responsive touch interactions created an immersive experience like never before. Whether I was browsing the web, editing photos, or watching videos, the fluidity of the display added a whole new level of enjoyment and engagement.
  • Unleashing the Power of the M1 Pro Processor:  Under the hood, the M1 Pro processor worked its magic. The performance boost compared to my old MacBook Pro was simply astonishing. From handling resource-intensive tasks effortlessly to delivering swift and responsive multitasking, the M1 Pro processor took productivity to new heights.
  • Enhanced Performance and Efficiency: The combination of the M1 Pro processor, high-speed memory, and optimized macOS worked in perfect harmony to deliver unparalleled performance and efficiency. Applications launched in an instant, and even demanding software ran smoothly without a hitch. The 14-inch MacBook Pro proved to be a powerhouse that could handle anything I threw at it with ease.
  • A Seamless User Experience: Apple's commitment to providing a seamless user experience was evident in every aspect of the 14-inch MacBook Pro. The intuitive macOS, the user-friendly interface, and the thoughtful integration of hardware and software made using the device a joy. It felt like everything was designed to work effortlessly together, allowing me to focus on my tasks without any distractions.
  • Versatility of the 14-inch MacBook Pro: The 14-inch MacBook Pro proved to be a versatile companion that adapted to my needs. Whether I was editing videos, designing graphics, coding, or simply browsing the web, it excelled in every scenario. Its power, coupled with the extensive range of applications available, made it a versatile tool that supported my creative pursuits and professional endeavors.
  • Aesthetics and Design:  Beyond its performance, the 14-inch MacBook Pro's aesthetics and design were undeniably appealing. The slim profile, the minimalistic yet elegant design, and the attention to detail made it a statement piece that turned heads wherever I took it. It was not just a functional device but a fashion statement that blended seamlessly into my lifestyle. 

A Revelation with 14-inch MacBook Pro

  • Portability and Convenience: Despite its power, the 14-inch MacBook Pro remained remarkably portable and convenient. The lightweight design and compact form factor allowed me to carry it with ease, whether I was traveling or working on the go. The long battery life ensured that I could stay productive throughout the day without worrying about finding a power outlet.
  • Harnessing the Potential of macOS: macOS, with its intuitive features and seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem, played a vital role in enhancing my overall experience with the 14-inch MacBook Pro. The familiar interface, the robust security features, and the wide range of productivity tools further elevated my workflow and made every task more efficient.
  • Impact on Productivity: The combination of the 14-inch MacBook Pro's performance, the M1 Pro processor, and the optimized software ecosystem had a profound impact on my productivity. Tasks that used to take a considerable amount of time were now completed in a fraction of it. I could focus more on creativity and problem-solving, knowing that my device could keep up with my demands.
  • An Investment in the Future: Investing in the 14-inch MacBook Pro was not just a purchase; it was an investment in the future. With its cutting-edge technology, it was built to stand the test of time and continue delivering exceptional performance for years to come. I knew that I had chosen a device that would support me in my endeavors and keep me ahead of the curve.

In conclusion, transitioning from my 2012 MacBook Pro to the 14-inch MacBook Pro was a revelation that exceeded my expectations. The quality, the promotion 120Hz display smoothness, and the power of the M1 Pro processor were the pillars of its excellence. From productivity to aesthetics, every aspect of the device was thoughtfully designed to create an exceptional user experience. The 14-inch MacBook Pro proved to be a game-changer that unleashed my potential and set a new standard for what a laptop could offer.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Disadvantages of Using WhatsApp Business for Your Business

While WhatsApp business may seem like a convenient tool for businesses to reach out to customers, there are also several disadvantages associated with it while using it as your primary communication platform. In this article, we will discuss the disadvantages of using WhatsApp Business for your business and features that could be introduced for making it effective. 

Limited Functionalities: 
WhatsApp Business is limited in terms of its functionalities that is being offered compared to other business communication tools. It does not have the same level of automation like sending it to contacts and detailed dashboard/analytics reporting for computers that other platforms offer, making it difficult for businesses to effectively manage and respond to customer inquiries. This can result in missed opportunities and lost customers. 

No Integration with other Platforms
WhatsApp Business does not integrate with other common communication tools, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software or billing software. This means that businesses must manually transfer customer contacts and customer walk-in insight history between platforms, making it a time-consuming and error-prone process. 

Potential for getting accounts blocked: 
WhatsApp Business does not have the same level of security and spam protection as other business communication tools. This makes it easier for scammers or conflicting customers to mark the account as spam. This can result in a negative business reputation and may even result in account getting blocked. 

My final thoughts: 
In conclusion, while WhatsApp Business may seem like a convenient tool for businesses to communicate with customers, it also has several disadvantages. Limited features, lack of integration with other platforms, and potential for spam blocking and account getting completely blocked are all reasons why it may not be the best option for all businesses. Businesses should consider their specific needs and weigh the advantages and disadvantages before choosing WhatsApp Business as their primary communication platform. For more such insights and information, please feel free to check out the articles published in “G R Team Sites”

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Suspect of Crackling sound in my AirPods Pro


Crackling sound in my AirPods Pro
I got my AirPods Pro during the first year of the launch and was fortunate enough to experience the sound quality during the initial days. However, post few months of my purchase there was an unexpected announcement from Apple that the initial batch of AirPods Pro had manufacturing defect and the product would be replaced for FREE. Post this announcement, I become suspicious on my product as well, however I convinced that my product was working fine, and the disturbances was due to external factors. The initial suspicious activities and the convincing factors are as follows
  • Right Side AirPods Pro Ear tips had issues in seal: So, when I was trying out Apple’s in-built Ear Tips test, the outcome was often error and it had suggested that to change the ear tip size or align the AirPods pro properly in the ear. Initially, I had searched about this concern in internet and often found that the suggestions were to slightly re-align the AirPods pro or tryout the memory foam tips due to ear size differences among users. Since these were convincing reasons, I had ruled out possible manufacturing defects and continued to use the product with its flaw.
  • Occasional crackling sound while hearing music: The other annoying issue that I had encountered while using my AirPods Pro was that I used to hear some annoying hustling sound while listening to music and during while I was at my work room. Since, my work room either had a slow-moving fan or air conditioner running, I assumed that the hustling sound may be due to its background noise.
The above concerns and convincing factors made me to use the AirPods pro without thinking about the manufacturing defect. To read more about how I identified my AirPods Pro manufacturing defect, please feel free to check out the articles published in “G R Team Sites”

Friday, August 5, 2022

Complications due to E-Sim and my concerns

Complications due to E-Sim and my concerns

I have been using iPhone 11 for a while and have been utilizing its dual sim capabilities, one mobile connection with e-sim and another with physical sim card. However, at times I feel nervy about using e-sim as my primary connection and how it will impact me if my iPhone dies or cannot be accessed due to accidental damage. Following are concerns while using E-sim on any mobile phone
  • Accidental damage or Phone software corrupted: If there are incidents where if you had your phone dropped or the software had corrupted midway through a software update, then there is no option to use the mobile number and entire personal banking system gets interrupted. As with introduction of two-factor authentication, there is no option to perform financial transaction without authentication through mobile and there is no alternative option available. 
  • Unavailability of temporary E-Sim solution: There are no temporary solution available if the e-sim profile was deleted accidentally or if iPhone was not available for short duration. There should have been a temporary solution to at least make critical banking transactions and important calls during the emergency. 
Hope with the advancement of new technologies and mobile solutions, the above e-sim complications are addressed, and e-sim becomes next big innovation on mobile technology. To read more about technology articles, please feel free to check out “G R Team Sites”

Saturday, November 13, 2021

iPhone online backup to OneDrive or Google Drive or other cloud providers

iPhone online backup
I have been using iPhone as my primary mobile device for past few years and there have been couple of accidental incidents, where my phone was dead and had to depend on my laptop backups to restore my important files. Apple has however provided iCloud backup option to restore important files and there are few constraints associated with the solution. The following are my concerns, while using the default iCloud backups as my preferred solution and how it impacts the users while relying on cloud for the recovery solution.
  • Expensive and Limited storage option: iCloud+ storage plans are often priced higher than the competitors and offer extremely limited storage plan for the users. With recent launch of iPhone 13, the base storage has been increased to 128GB and the base plan of iCloud+ comes with 50GB, which is completely baseless and distrust for iPhone users. Apple could have easily made some exceptions to its loyal iPhone users like enabling users to store unlimited photos taken in iPhone and enable users to store unlimited iWork (Pages, Numbers & Keynote) documents in iCloud. 
  • Too many cloud subscriptions and charges: Being an iPhone user does not mean that everyone in the family have flexibility of using iPhone as their preferred device and most family members prefer using Android phones. With Google disabling unlimited Photo’s backup option and mobile phones becoming primary camera in the family, it becomes difficult to have iCloud+ as the preferred storage option due its premium price and lesser storage option. For such instances, Apple should enable the option for its users to choose their preferred Cloud backup option, so they can have flexibility of having unified cloud subscription plan across the family.
However, rather than addressing above concerns, Apple chose to ignore its voice of the users and charge premium price on lower cloud storage option. Get to know more such articles from "G R Team Sites". 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Original mobile phone screen replacement is always the best possibility

OEM mobile phone screen replacement is always the best possibility

Short recap: 
My Wife accidentally broken her mobile screen during COVID pandemic and with limited options available due to lockdown restrictions, I had to prefer replacing broken screen with duplicate screen. However, the replacement did not work as expected and eventually the duplicate screen also broke within few weeks during small drop. So, it had left me with square one to lookout for practical choice. There were two options available, either replace mobile phone with new upgraded mobile phone or check out the OEM for original mobile phone screen replacement.

Finally found resolution for broken mobile screen
After much thought on choice of preferred possibility for my wife's broken mobile screen, I wanted to check with OEM for the actual cost for replacing broken mobile screen and any possibility of shipping from remote location. To my surprise, the OEM was affirmative on the available option and was quoting price, which was affordable when compared to the old duplicate screen. Finally decided on replacing the broken mobile screen with the OEM screen and started the process for replacement. The process was little slower and was taking its own time for movement from one stage to the other. 

The mobile phone reached me after taking its own time and I was anxious about the final output. Finally, the mobile phone screen was replaced with the original screen and the mobile phone was performing like it was new. After a bit of struggle and exploring affordable options, I came to conclusion that no matter how cheap the duplicate screen or how expensive the OEM screen was, the original screen replacement should always be the preferred option for users. To read more such articles or suggestions, please feel free to check out the articles published in "G R Team Sites"

Monday, August 9, 2021

Lack of features in OneDrive post migration from Google Drive

It has been few weeks since I opted for OneDrive as my preferred online cloud storage choice and wanted to detail my experience to my readers. Initially I was excited to use OneDrive as my preferring online cloud platform and later had few hiccups here and there. Following are my observation while using OneDrive as my only source of online cloud platform. 
  • No Option to exclude pictures from specific folders: I have around 20GB of my old office files and when I move my office files into OneDrive, the files are copied with ease and with no questions asked. However, I later noticed that my office files had few pictures or images inside the folders and these pictures are moved into overall photos album. When I scroll through my old personal photos, I get distracted and feel unpleasant by looking at those office file images. There is choice available in OneDrive to mark the specific folder to exclude the images to be synchronized to the photos album. 
  • Lack of Chromecast support in iOS OneDrive: As said in my earlier articles, I wanted my preferred online cloud platform to support Chromecast, so that it was easier cast my old images or files into my TV for work or while get-together with family. Before, opting into OneDrive as my preferred online cloud platform, I was checking about Chromecast support and found that Microsoft had re-introduced those features into its application. I double checked with my wife's android phone to ensure that availability of Chromecast option and did not feel the need to do the same in my iPhone. Only after moving all my old files and photos to OneDrive, I noticed that the Chromecast feature is not available on iOS devices and Microsoft is yet to announce the support for the same. 
Hope Microsoft considers about suggestions and addresses the concerns at the earliest, so unaccustomed users like me, who migrated to OneDrive as primary online cloud storage option feel comfortable and renew the subscriptions for the upcoming years. To read more such articles, please feel free to check out G R Team Sites.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

OneDrive inches ahead than Google Photos 

The need for finding reliable online cloud storage choice has grown stronger with announcement from Google that photos backup will be counted against storage limit, this was complete betrayal from Google. When Google photos was introduced, the major selling point for iPhone user line was unlimited photos backup for lifetime and I completely trusted the statement from tech giant like Google. However, we were completely backstabbed by marketing gimmick from Google and their decision to accumulate storage for photos backup was disastrous. Now that we have been left with no options, the search for reliable and affordable cloud storage for photos have grown stronger. Even if Google decides to extend the deadline or even if it extends storage to its existing users, the affordability of Google photos have gone down drastically, and their prices seems exceedingly higher than Microsoft’s OneDrive. To my readers, I wanted to reiterate the fact that the above blog post was not sponsored, and all the above comments were from my previous experience and viewpoint. To know more about my decision on online cloud storage, please feel free to check out the blog post in “G R Team Sites” 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Points to consider while upgrading applications

If your old application was not meeting the business reporting requirements and basic functionalities, then it would be right time for your business to look out for new application. The new application requirements should be defined and mapped to perform all functions that were performed by previous application. Few of the application features to be considered while upgrading to new application are

  • Interfaces connecting source and external applications should be compatible 
  • Customization of Payment process and integrating components of previous application should be compatible in new upgraded application as well
  • Conversion of all the Quote and Contracts that were in legacy database to new database and the sensitive documents to be available in the form of hard copies.
  • Export project Costing and Billing and mapping new projects to the new application.
  • Mapping the Chart of accounts with the Operations and Consolidation of Income statement and Balance sheet

If you are looking to get more information, find out more such posts available at "G R Team Sites”

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Finally bought Macbook Pro

So, after realization, that water entering into my MacBook Pro and in the process of trying to resolve it by visiting various service experts, finally I have decided to either get new Macbook Pro or go for affordable windows laptop. At first, I was looking for good quality windows laptop with decent configuration, but when I browsed the online shopping sites I was shocked, as the prices seems to be on par with apple laptops and not even one laptop had best configuration. One laptop had best graphics card but failed on ram, other had good graphics card & ram but failed on processor and finally if I found a windows laptop with good configuration that matches all my requirements, however it had a whopping price tag on par with apple laptop. So after so much of research and hesitation due to high investment, I finally made up my decision and bought Macbook Pro. It has been more than 2.5 years and to be precise it is around 972 days, but till date I never looked back on getting windows laptop nor never felt guilty of getting such expensive high end Macbook Pro. Continue reading at “G R Team sites” listed in the right Side of this site.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Info for Computer Repair

Computers are everywhere in this world.Every business organization in this world and every household has computers.Kids love computers and play games in them and with the growth of Internet, computers are really all over the place.Computers also demand lots of maintenance in both software form and hardware form because of the extreme usage to which they are subjected. Maintaining the computers and servicing them should be done only by trained and experienced persons.Friends, Computer Repair has been made easy thanks to, a leading computer on site servicing team which renowned for its excellent services all over the country.Friends, don't worry about your computer anymore just visit for more details.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Info for Webhost

Web hosting is a process in which a website is displayed in the world wide web.When you want to create a website for yourself or your organization, the first step in creating a website is to design the website and the next step is to host a website.There are a lot of web hosts available in the Internet.They have different functionalities and each and every webhost has a lot of advantages and disadvantages.Before choosing the correct web host for your website, you must make sure that you weigh all the options which are given to you, so that your web site's popularity will not be dimmed and your website will continue to get a good number of visitors.There is a website, which has lot of information regarding the top web hosts available in the Internet.It also has the top 10 ranking of the best web hosts available.So friends, before you choose a web host for your website, please visit, which will help you in choosing the best web host.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Info to host your site

Are you interested in creating new websites?.Most of love to do so but there is one part of creating a website which has to be taken care with much importance while creating a website.The most important part is to find a suitable web host for your website.A web host determines the number of visits to your website and the traffic routed to your website.Overall a web host decides the popularity of your website in the world wide web.There are a lot of web hosts available in the Internet but finding the suitable web host is a difficult task considering the fact that various web hosts have various types of functionalities.The best way one can choose a suitable web host is by visiting, a website which has a large collection of the best web site hosting websites in the Internet.I chose the web host for my website from service is amazing and they have all the details regarding web hosts displayed in their website.So friends, if you are searching for the best web hosts, visit for more details.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Information for Colour T-Shirt Printing

Do you like products with pictures printed on it?.There are a lot of products available in the market with lot of pictures printed on them.Are you fascinated by these Full Color Glossy Printing,You can also print anything on your favorite items.Most of us would like to use envelopes, postcards, letterhead of which are printed as you wish. You would need to carve some statements on your T-Shirt as you desire to show the world who you are.Tshirt Printing is very common amongst youngsters, they love to have weirdest of all designs- which they just can’t get in market otherwise. My brother is of this category, he will come up with an idea which would sound so strange to us, but Full Color has solution for all of his demands and desires. He sits on the computer for some time take some quotes from the experts and gets his T-Shirt Printing done.You can create your own full color glossy premium business cards as well and it is fun to start designing online. You can start designing as you visit and you can surely personalized many things as per your wish.So friends if you are interested in printing your favorite pictures on your favorite products or if you want to customize all your objects with full color glossy printing please visit for more details.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Info for Online Backup

Computers are everywhere in this world and they are used in all kinds of industries and organizations.The entire world is dependent on the computer for all kinds of work.There are lot of information generated nowadays due to the extensive use of computers.There are a lot of banks and organizations which generate tremendous amount of confidential data which are stored in the computers.There are also a lot of possibilities that these large amount of data can be affected.For instance if suddenly anything happens to your computer like a virus attack or an operating system crash, all the data inside your computer will be lost.So the best thing which can be done in order to save the important data is by taking an Online Backup periodically.This online backup service is offered by an online backup periodically will save all your precious data from being lost if any problem occurs with your computer.This online backup can be used as a back up service for small businesses and business organizations.This has a lot of features such as automated backup which takes an automated back up of all your data and a multiple PC backup utility using which you can back up data from multiple PC's.All these back up is very easy to do.One just has to drag and drop the data to the website for backing it up.The prices are also nominal with the basic plan starting from $9.95/month for a 10GB plan.If you want to know more about the online back up ,please visit for more details.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Info on old Online Backup

Computers are everywhere in this world and they are used in all kinds of industries and organizations.The entire world is dependent on the computer for all kinds of work.There are lot of information generated nowadays due to the extensive use of computers.There are a lot of banks and organizations which generate tremendous amount of confidential data which are stored in the computers.There are also a lot of possibilities that these large amount of data can be affected.For instance if suddenly anything happens to your computer like a virus attack or an operating system crash, all the data inside your computer will be lost.So the best thing which can be done in order to save the important data is by taking an Online Backup periodically.This online backup service is offered by an online backup periodically will save all your precious data from being lost if any problem occurs with your computer.This online backup can be used as a back up service for small businesses and business organizations.This has a lot of features such as automated backup which takes an automated back up of all your data and a multiple PC backup utility using which you can back up data from multiple PC's.All these back up is very easy to do.One just has to drag and drop the data to the website for backing it up.The prices are also nominal with the basic plan starting from $9.95/month for a 10GB plan.If you want to know more about the online back up ,please visit for more details.