I have been using iPhone as my primary mobile device for past few years and there have been couple of accidental incidents, where my phone was dead and had to depend on my laptop backups to restore my important files. Apple has however provided iCloud backup option to restore important files and there are few constraints associated with the solution. The following are my concerns, while using the default iCloud backups as my preferred solution and how it impacts the users while relying on cloud for the recovery solution.
- Expensive and Limited storage option: iCloud+ storage plans are often priced higher than the competitors and offer extremely limited storage plan for the users. With recent launch of iPhone 13, the base storage has been increased to 128GB and the base plan of iCloud+ comes with 50GB, which is completely baseless and distrust for iPhone users. Apple could have easily made some exceptions to its loyal iPhone users like enabling users to store unlimited photos taken in iPhone and enable users to store unlimited iWork (Pages, Numbers & Keynote) documents in iCloud.
- Too many cloud subscriptions and charges: Being an iPhone user does not mean that everyone in the family have flexibility of using iPhone as their preferred device and most family members prefer using Android phones. With Google disabling unlimited Photo’s backup option and mobile phones becoming primary camera in the family, it becomes difficult to have iCloud+ as the preferred storage option due its premium price and lesser storage option. For such instances, Apple should enable the option for its users to choose their preferred Cloud backup option, so they can have flexibility of having unified cloud subscription plan across the family.
However, rather than addressing above concerns, Apple chose to ignore its voice of the users and charge premium price on lower cloud storage option. Get to know more such articles from "G R Team Sites".