Sunday, March 17, 2019

Opportunity out of nowhere at work

So, coming to the topic of work, new year went well, and I took a long vacation and was spending good quality time with my family. It was actually refreshing, and it was like having reset button to work-life balance and it helps have fresh though at work. I joined office after a long time and was hoping to get lot of work, since everyone would be back from their vacation and wants to get focused only on their work. To my surprise, everything was in opposite direction and on the day, I joined office after my long vacation, I had no work and was just killing time. Initially I thought my manager was kind enough to not allocate work on day I come back from the vacation, but on reality my entire team had no work to do. So, next day I came to office anxious enough anticipating one or more opportunity assigned to me and to my surprise I didn’t get any work and was asked to share some capability deck to my colleague, which I didn’t expect out of nowhere. Continue reading at “G R Team Sites”

Sunday, December 9, 2018

How Home insurance can save you

Termites are dangerous threat to wooden furniture.They thrive on anything that is made out of wood.Recently, my grandfather's antique wooden clock was damaged by termites which prompted me to take termite baiting, a method used to prevent termites.To know more about preventing termites, just visit I spent a lot of my hard earned money in building my dream house.Apart from the money spent on the house, the construction of the house took lots of time to finish.I insured my house through the home insurance online as I was well aware that if something happens to my house, I will be able to get the money back.I chose to insure my house because, no one in this world knows what will happen next.Fortunately, my decision to insure my house saved me from financial trouble as my house was partially damaged by a powerful typhoon which swept the entire area in which I was living.Never hesitate to your insure house because no one knows what will happen next.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Credit Card refund initiation

With most complicated terms and standard conditions applicable on all credit cards, I had issue with both of my credit cards, which I normally use for my transactions. Let us see how these credit card companies have complicated terms and conditions associated with it and how they customize terms as per customer needs. Issue with first credit card: I have been using this credit card for more than 5+ years and when every time I try to avoid some charges, I end up paying more charges than I anticipate. This was happening for almost every year and each time when I try to overcome it, I end up with another new financial burden. After long thought recently, I decided to keep track of each and every transaction happening in the card and decided either to close the credit card or raise escalation against the credit card companies. After keeping tab for each transaction in every month, I was able to avoid debit interest for a long time and it backfired at time for one time, where I had paid the months’ minimum transactions in two separate transactions and still been levied with debit interest. Now I decided to create new refund initiation request from the credit card companies and continue reading this experience at one of the “G R Team Sites”

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Finally bought Macbook Pro

So, after realization, that water entering into my MacBook Pro and in the process of trying to resolve it by visiting various service experts, finally I have decided to either get new Macbook Pro or go for affordable windows laptop. At first, I was looking for good quality windows laptop with decent configuration, but when I browsed the online shopping sites I was shocked, as the prices seems to be on par with apple laptops and not even one laptop had best configuration. One laptop had best graphics card but failed on ram, other had good graphics card & ram but failed on processor and finally if I found a windows laptop with good configuration that matches all my requirements, however it had a whopping price tag on par with apple laptop. So after so much of research and hesitation due to high investment, I finally made up my decision and bought Macbook Pro. It has been more than 2.5 years and to be precise it is around 972 days, but till date I never looked back on getting windows laptop nor never felt guilty of getting such expensive high end Macbook Pro. Continue reading at “G R Team sites” listed in the right Side of this site.