Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Surprisingly no work and no escalations in the call

After knowing that there was no mail update from the on-site team on updates to be made on the deck, I was enjoying my leisure time to watch YouTube videos and browsing through some random videos. However, I was anxious about the call, whether the on-site team was expecting me to create some sample slides for reference or I should check with other account teams for further suggestions. The call started as usual and within a few minutes, the on-site team was checking with me whether I have any updates from my end during the daytime. With the onsite team setting up the expectations, I conveyed that I was expecting updates from the on-site team and do not have one and I do not have any updates from my end. After few minutes of pause, the on-site team acknowledged that I cannot work on the slides without any further information and required support from key stakeholders. Post acknowledgment, the on-site leader was conveying that, he would check with key stakeholders for information and until then I do not have to work on the deck. To my surprise, call got over with these updates in few minutes, and to know more what happened further, please feel free to check out the “G R Team Sites “
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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Back after long time and update on new service request

After long time, I am back to writing, I was completely stressed out and didn’t have enough motivation to start back again. From this time, I will try to update my blog posts on regular basis and ensure it reaches my readers on time. Today, I wanted to give update on working with my manager for an interesting service request and how it backfired as it progressed towards end. So, my manager has already looped into other service request to support and it was supposed to start from next week. I felt bit relaxed, as I had some reusable materials available and had prior experience working with the same team for similar service request. However, all of those confidence was ruined within minutes, as my manager conveyed there seems to be a call from one of the accounts team and they might need some existing materials from the repository. I joined the call assuming it would be a shorter one and might need some attention to pull out relevant details from the repository. But, all these thought process vanished in the moment I joined the call. To know more about the service request, please feel free to check out the “G R Team Sites”

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Irritating opportunity before my vacation

When I was working on that irritating opportunity and was waiting for it to close, however I was planning to take vacation at the end of the month for my personal reasons. So, a fine day I got a call from other manager in my team and he was checking out my bandwidth availability and was requested if I would be able to take up one more opportunity with the same team. I was completely taken aback and wanted to get out of this opportunity and the delivery person somehow, and I told him that I am taking a long vacation in next two weeks and would not be able to take any of his calls or work during that time. Now this manager confused about what work to be allocated to me and he was suggesting that I take up one opportunity which would be getting closed by next month and in addition to that it’s a proactive opportunity and only little effort might be required. Learn more in “G R Team sites”.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Revealing my rating to my teammate leaving the team

After coming back to reality that my teammate is leaving the team in next few days, I need to get back to my work and finish all open items left. I was working back again to finish my assigned opportunities and was having casual chat with my teammate about her new team and interview questions. She was helping me out with all relevant information like what type of questions were raised and the type team she is moving, etc. Now she was also caring for me and requesting me to change the team so that I can also reach new heights or at least move towards right direction for getting onsite opportunities. I was little bit reluctant to confirm her about new job opportunities and finally I conveyed to her that I wanted to stay in the team at least till my promotions. Suddenly she was asking my rating and when I revealed that I got first rating for last years, she really got shocked and confirmed that I would be getting my promotion this year. Continue reading at “G R Team Sites”