Monday, May 17, 2021

How stupid manager ruins working environment

As I have detailed in my earlier posts about how difficult it is to work with my manager, I wanted to continue with this post as well. In the earlier post, I have detailed about how my manger has no forward-looking plans and how my manager micromanages work assigned to the team members. In continuation with that, I wanted to detail following pointers as well. 
  • Lack of clarity on work assigned: Once the work is assigned from the on-site team, usually it is reviewed with the concern team about the nature of the work, effort required and milestones for the work. However, my manager without even discussing about such analysis, he will list out different activities to be completed and to be shared with on-site team. Later the on-site team will detail about their expectations and anticipated effort from our team. 
  • Standing by the team or providing required support during hectic work: At times, our team will be assigned with hectic work and during calls, if at all the on-site team assign additional work or unnecessary activities, my manager will not even utter a word in support for the team members. 
To know further tortures about my manger, please feel free to check out the blog posts listed on G R Team Sites.

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